Digital Assets Report

Date:   Tuesday October 05, 2010 
Time:   18:00-21:00  
Venue: Le Méridien Piccadilly    

Date:   Tuesday October 05, 2010 
Time:   18:00-21:00  
Venue: Le Méridien Piccadilly    
           Oak Room & Oak Room      
           21 Piccadilly            
           London W1J 0BH            
 18:00-18:15   Registration & Drinks                                        

 18:15-18:35   Eurex Technology Roadmap 2010 and Beyond                     
             Proximity vs. co-location                                      
            Connectivity strategy                                          
            Transparency strategy                                          
            Dr. Wolfgang Eholzer, Head of Trading Systems Development,

 18:35-18:55    AlphaFlash® – The Fastest Computer Readable Economic         
            Consistently faster and more economical than competitor products                                                    
            Data sent directly by our journalists from government lock-ups and privileged embargoed releases                                  
            Easily integrated directly into trading algorithms             
            Worldwide proximity hosting available in seven data centres    
            Clint Rhea, Chief Operating Officer,
            Need to Know News       

 18:55-19:05    Getting Closer to the Exchange for Less – Eurex New          
            Membership Incentive 2010                                   
            No charge of minimum transaction fees                          
            Monthly fee waiver                                             
            Additional fee waiver                                          
            Byron Baldwin, Senior Vice President,
            Institutional Investor Business Development, Eurex                                           

 19:05-19:30   M2M E-Commerce and the Evolving Market Fabric                
            Growth and challenges of machine-to-machine e-commerce         
            The flash crash – wake up call for regulators and high frequency traders                                           
            Building 21st Century cyber cities with global reach           
            Rich data-driven strategies: multi asset market access, fundamental data, e-news and other metadata                    
            Guest Speaker:                                               
            Bob Giffords, frequent speaker and writer on electronic trading
            and automation in the global capital markets                     
 19:30-21:00     Drinks & Canapes    
Please feel free to pass the invitation on to any interested colleagues.

You can register for the event by e-mail to Byron Baldwin.

We look forward to welcoming you to this event.