Digital Assets Report

High Frequency Trading World USA is the premier conference in North America for fund managers, traders, brokers and exchanges

High Frequency Trading World USA is the premier conference in North America for fund managers, traders, brokers and exchanges
Leading hedge funds and proprietary traders are pioneering the use of high frequency trading in the US. By adopting this technology they are ensuring they can compete at the highest level by achieving lower latency and trading more effectively.

Book your place now at High Frequency Trading World USA to learn how HFT pioneers like Manoj Narang, CEO of top hedge fund Tradeworx, have adopted this technology and how your business can gain an edge in competitive trading markets.

Our conversations with more than 200 funds across the US revealed that you want to:

• Clarify what High Frequency Trading is
• Understand the regulatory landscape
• Gain a competitive edge in the market

Register for this event, and you will:

• Learn from your hedge fund and proprietary trader peers about how they adopted HFT
• Meet with technology providers offering the latest high frequency trading technology
• Gain insights from HFT pioneers on how you can profit from these technology advances

Register today and get up to speed with the latest HFT advances – key topics at HFT World USA include:

• Liquidity, tightening spreads and profits: examining the impact HFT has on the markets
• Technology: how can execution costs be reduced when trading in equities markets?
• Working with trading venues: exchanges, MTF’s and Dark Pools
• Testing your models: risk, back testing and explicability

For more information please go to or call +1 212 379 6320.