Digital Assets Report

 In just one day… Key benefits of attending the 2012 Funds Industry Forum on Investment Guideline Management:

Find out how client and investor expectations are changing – and examine the impact on asset management investment operations 
Analysing new trends in IMAs and client agreements 
Impact of global mandates and multi-jurisdictional business models
Creating ‘effective’ contracts 
Standardising investment schedules 
Structuring standardised and generic contracts around models 
Legal precedents affecting contracts
Why litigation occurs and how to avoid it
Drill down on the more complex areas of investment guideline management
OTC derivatives – the challenge of deriving clear benefits 
Triggers and performance fees
CESR’s guidelines 
Calculation of global exposure and counterparty risk for UCITS
Leverage calculation and disclosure
EMIR and the move to central clearing of OTC derivatives
on risk measurement 
Focus on data: implementing emerging industry standards and guidelines 
Data governance for buy-side firms 
How well are providers responding to the need for clean data
Data quality and risk management  
Industry initiatives – EDM  
Data scrubbing through the system
Ensuring and facilitating connectivity
Satisfying more stringent internal risk management requirements
You can learn more about the event, click here to see the latest agenda and register with a 10% Global Fund Media discount today