Digital Assets Report

 EXANTE is proud to announce the success of its Hedge Funds Index and we want our guests to be proud of theirs as we celebrate our first award ceremony.

EXANTE’s Cocktail Networking Reception.
Connect with old business friends and make new ones at the foyer of The Four Seasons Ritz.
The Programme
19:00 – 19:30
Dinner Served.  Download the menu
Host Timothy Enneking, Partner at EXANTE, Introduction to the EXANTE Awards and our esteemed guests.
19:30 – 20:30
Presentations of Awards – Part One.
20:30 – 20:45
Relax, chat and enjoy the live music courtesy of EXANTE.
20:45 – 22:10
Presentations of Awards – Part Two.
22:10 – 22:30
Closing Speeches.
22:30 – 00:00
After Dinner Party.
Celebrate with EXANTE and the award winners.
How to attend
Please RSVP to our Marketing team on [email protected] or by telephone to our Malta office +356 2015 0000. We look forward to hearing from you. 
If you have already received your invitation and confirmed your attendance, we look forward to meeting with you.
For more information click here