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EEX Group posts significant commodity trading increases

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EEX Group continued to expand its position in the global commodity exchange space , across all time zones, Europe, Asia and North America, in 2021 reporting significant increases in its power, natural gas, environmentals and dry freight markets.

EEX Group continued to expand its position in the global commodity exchange space , across all time zones, Europe, Asia and North America, in 2021 reporting significant increases in its power, natural gas, environmentals and dry freight markets.

EEX Group increased its global power trading volume by 5 per cent to 7,405.7 TWh, confirming its position as number one exchange group in power trading worldwide for the fifth year running.
The Group’s global natural gas markets totalled 3,142.1 TWh, up 30 per cent as against 2020 (2,412.4 TWh), mostly driven by the performance of the European gas markets.
EEX Group’s Environmental markets posted increases during 2021, both in Europe and in North America.
The European Environmental markets increased by 26 per cent to 1,660.4 million tonnes of CO2 (2020: 1,318.4 million tonnes of CO2), while the North American Environmental markets continued their positive development and increased by 125 per cent to 248,944 contracts.

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