Digital Assets Report

Expert speakers already confirmed include:

Branca Bastos Americano, Secretary of Climate Change and Environmental Quality, Ministry of Environment, Brazil
Andrea Garcia Guerrero, Director, Climate Change Mitigation Group, Ministry of Environment,
Housing and Territorial Planning, Colombia
Prof. Suani Coelho, Coordinator, CENBIO – Brazilian Reference Center on Biomass and Member, UN Secretary General’s Advisory Group on Energy and Climate Change
Edwin Aalders, Partner, Business Development, Idea Carbon
Romy Calderón, Chief Economist, Latin American Association of Development Financing Institutions (ALIDE)
Miriam Hinostroza, Head of Programme, Energy and Carbon Finance, UNEP Risoe Centre
Marco Chiu, Undersecretary of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment, Ecuador
Flavio Rufino Gazani, President, ABEMC, Brazil
Irene Wasilevsky, Carbon Credit Specialist, Buenos Aires Stock Exchange, Argentina
Arnold Jacques de Dixmude, Environmental Policy Expert, European Commission
Incoming Chair, CDM Executive Board (To be nominated December 2010)
Carlos Flórez, Executive Secretary, Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE)
Carolina Zambrano-Barragán, Climate Change Advisor, Climate Change Unit, Metropolitan Municipality of Quito, Ecuador
Vicente Schmall, Senior Advisor, Air Emissions & Climate Change, Petrobrás, Brazil
Philip Hauser, Senior CDM Originator, GDF Suez, Brazil
Gabriel Ribenboim, Special Projects Manager, Amazonas Sustainable Foundation, Brazil
See the brochure for the complete line up of expert speakers.
Gain an in-depth understanding of the potential of the Carbon Markets in Latin America:
• Digest COP 16 – what does it mean for Latin America?
• Interact with market leaders to reduce emissions and enhance development through the CDM
• Discuss new, innovative methods of sourcing capital for CDM projects
• Develop new models in light of the Copenhagen Green Climate Fund and an unstable Euro zone
• Examine the impact of CER price fluctuations on project hosts, developers and investors
• Make the most of the continent’s forestry potential
• Use project case studies to develop best practice


New for 2011 – Renewable Energy Finance Briefing Day. 4 April 2011

The Renewable Energy Finance Briefing Day will enable dialogue between entrepreneurs, industry, government, universities and the private sector.

The agenda will cover carbon market structure, tax versus trade, voluntary markets, emission reduction, project finance, climate policy, risk management, carbon accounting principles, measurement, reporting and verification with a view to stimulating the development of GHG reduction projects in Latin America.

New for 2011 – Forestry & REDD Briefing Day. 7 April 2011

The Forestry & REDD Briefing Day is focused on the opportunities for REDD and REDD+ in Latin America’s agriculture and forestry sectors. It aims to give attendees an insight into how to overcome the obstacles currently blocking the development of projects and the issues deterring investors.

The programme will outline the great potential for CDM afforestation and reforestation, REDD and REDD+ and how best to exploit this potential through increased project implementation.

For more information please email [email protected]