Digital Assets Report

Despite its huge potential, Africa has not benefitted greatly from the carbon market.

Despite its huge potential, Africa has not benefitted greatly from the carbon market. If the continent is to live up to its promise, become a significant player in the global carbon market and take advantage of the financial and developmental opportunities on offer, it is imperative that the pace of project investment and development is increased substantially.

Carbon Markets & Climate Finance Africa will aid in the achievement of this goal by bringing the key market players together to examine the issues key to the successful creation, implementation and exploitation of carbon projects in Africa.

Every link in Africa’s Carbon Value Chain will be present with the aim of reducing the barriers facing project creation, from the creation of a positive legislative and regulatory environment to new means of attracting private investment.

Scheduled for the month after COP 16, Carbon Markets & Climate Finance Africa 2011 is the first opportunity for the stakeholders in Africa’s carbon future to digest the news from Cancun and take action to put Africa at the heart of the global carbon market. 

Key Reasons to Attend
The big topics addressed at Carbon Markets & Climate Finance Africa will include:
• Digesting COP 16 – what does it mean for Africa?
• Creating a positive legislative and regulatory environment
• The common challenges faced by projects across the continent, how they can be overcome and how to minimize them in future
• Securing financing for African projects in light of the Copenhagen Green Climate Fund and an unstable Euro zone
• Examining the impact of CER price fluctuations on project hosts, developers and investors
• Making the most of Africa’s forestry potential
• How to use existing projects to determine lessons learned and develop best practice

Who will attend?
• Project Developers & Hosts
• Bankers & Financiers
• Governmental Representatives
• Analysts & Researchers
• Carbon Consultants
• Project Verifiers
• Carbon Brokers
• Press
• DNAs & CDM Officers
• NGOs