Digital Assets Report



Counterparty and Credit risks have become one of the key financial risks to identify and manage in the banking industry and other financial institutions. The analysis of Counterparty in Credit risk is an essential component in Risk and Profitability Management. Moreover, the identification of Current and Future Credit Exposures is driven by both counterparty and market financial analysis elements. Credit Exposures must be efficiently managed and minimized by usually employing credit limit approaches.

The role of Credit Enhancements plays critical role on measuring the real credit exposures. The difficulties for evaluating when and how the gross exposure is recovered, bringing in the credit risk analysis many challenges.

Rating Counterparties Credit spreads and probability of defaults are still considered open issues with unclear and even less accepted approaches and analytical techniques. Moreover, the correlation between the counterparties and credit risk with the market risk factors and behaviour elements is also fuzzy.

Stochastic based Credit VaR approaches have been mainly used for identifying and measure credit financial risks; however, stress testing that is based on deterministic assumptions, is becoming more and well acceptable by institutions and regulators. The implementation of Credit Value Adjustment Approaches is one of the hottest topics in credit risk analysis.

More than ever practitioners are based in both Static Analysis and Dynamic Simulation. The later is employed under going concern status where the credit characteristic of the counterparty is changing together with the evolution of the market conditions. The integration of Credit Risk with other types of risks is becoming an important element in financial risk management process.

In this training workshop, the above issues will be presented and discussed extensively; more importantly, corresponding real cases will shown how and when to align all theoretical aspects with practical implementation issues.

Please go to or contact me at [email protected]  for more info on this interesting masterclass. Seats are running out fast!

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