Digital Assets Report

Guernsey Funds Forum 2010

Guernsey Funds Forum 2010

What will be the impact of the British General Election? 
Fresh after the election, this half-day conference and exhibition will feature ITV News Journalist Alastair Stewart as keynote and host to Guernsey and UK funds experts.

Wednesday, 26th May, 2010
Grange St. Pauls Hotel, London

• Transparency: Corporate governance and regulatory developments e.g. AIFM Directive
• Distribution: Why closed-ended? Why listed?
• Alternatives: What does the future hold for the funds industry?

Panellists include:
• Jon Moulton, Better Capital
• Kimberly Tara, FourWinds Capital Management
• Carl Rosumek, Guernsey Financial Services Commission
• Bridget Barker, Macfarlanes
• Sarah Borrie, London Stock Exchange
• Morten Spenner, International Asset Management
• Jonathan Hooley, Channel Islands Stock Exchange
• Scott Cochrane, Herbert Smith

For further information please contact Mary Carberry, +44 (0)1481 240606, [email protected]