50% of attendees are property developers and owner/operators
Featuring the region’s most influential operators and developers and speakers from the world’s leading retirement communities, the 2011 event returns bigger and better with 3 dedicated retirement living and aged care days as well as 2 in depth specialist workshops. 2011 will also see the exciting new addition of a new on-floor experience.
» Enquire about the 2011 event
2010 Highlights
• 182 attendees 50% of which were developers and village owner/operator
• 6 C level International retirement living speakers from USA (1), China (1), France (1), New Zealand (3)
• Keynote addresses from The Hon Peter Costello, Former Treasurer – Commonwealth of Australia and retirement communities pioneer John Erickson, Founder & Executive Chairman of Erickson Retirement Communities.
• Over 50 Speakers with over 30 CEOs, MDs and Retirement Heads on our speaking platform
• 25 presentations, 12 panel discussions, 16+ hours of networking functions