Digital Assets Report

The main conference subjects:
•     The analysis of world experience Private Banking and V.I.P. clients’ service in banks. New products and tendencies.

The main conference subjects:
•     The analysis of world experience Private Banking and V.I.P. clients’ service in banks. New products and tendencies.
•     Private Banking market condition in Russia. Prospects of development. Market participants. Regional aspects.
•     New middle class in Russia as a mass affluent specific. Positioning of financial support.
•     Planning of Private Banking programs. Marketing. Choice of partners on rendering Private Banking services
•     Features of attraction, underrating and V.I.P. clients services. Psychological aspects
•     V.I.P. service of private persons: the representatives of bank corporate clients. Private Banking and social packages.
•     Private Banking services. Bank products correction with considering V.I.P. clients interests. Individual bank products. Tax problems.
•     V.I.P. clients asset management. New bank products for placing capital. Investment funds.
•     Organization of interbank work on V.I.P. clients service. Use of branches and new offices. Personnel politics.
•     Private Banking cost-effectiveness. First cost. Features of risk management.
•     Standard legal base and contract practice of Private Banking. Features of document circulation.
•     Informative technologies in Private Banking.
•     Practice analysis of individual banks. Practical recommendations. Experience exchange.
A conference is traditionally selected among other similar measures. The narrow circle of practical workers in this market always visits it. Even those, who don’t participate with reports, arrive to the conference to discuss the most interesting market tendencies with each other in corridors.
«Private Banking» is possible to name the most actual and claimed measure, both for economic Russia and for private individuals.

Conference attendee cost:  690 EUR