Digital Assets Report

Opinions vary on how the industry needs to change but without question, hedge funds will come under increased scrutiny, and managers face ramped up regulation in the form of the AIFMD.

Opinions vary on how the industry needs to change but without question, hedge funds will come under increased scrutiny, and managers face ramped up regulation in the form of the AIFMD. Operational forward-thinking will be paramount and the winners will be those that focus on tight systems and controls and manage risks effectively.

Topics to be addressed include:

• Latest developments in European hedge funds:
– Shrinking industry – myth vs. reality?
– Hedge fund restructuring & consolidation across Europe
– Convergence between alternatives and mainstream asset managers:
where are we really headed?

• Investment & Performance Trends in International
Hedge Funds
• Demystifying Tax Headaches for Hedge Funds
• The Legal Implications of Redemptions
• Litigation / Regulatory Update
• What do you have to do to get SEC registered?
• Hedge Fund Valuations: Best Practice
• Optimal Fund Governance & Compliance to
Maximise your Profile & Raise Capital
• Safeguarding your Assets through a Holistic Risk
Management Process
• Limiting the Key Exposures faced by Hedge Funds &
their Employees Today
• Staffing

Why You Should Attend:
 Bringing together hedge funds and fund service providers from across Europe, this conference programme addresses the key areas impacting your business today. Expert speakers from all sides of the industry will come together and offer solutions that will help you to:

• enhance operational standards
• provide greater transparent to clients
• react more effectively to regulatory developments
• ensure your future in the market.

 If you are a hedge fund manager, administrator, prime broker, custodian, lawyer or accountant,  make this the essential date in your diary for 2010!