GFM mechanical advert specification for both online and special reports
6) Special Reports:- Spec for pdf and web site
1) Sizes supported
Leader board
Desktop – 970 x 250 and/or 970 x 90
Tablet – 728 x 90
Mobile – 320 x 50
Half Page
Desktop – 300 x 600
Tablet – 160 x 600
Mobile – 300 x 250
Newsletters banners – 728×90
Website Background Takeover
Background Horizontal Positions
- 970×250
- 970×90
- 300×250
- 320×50
Background Left and Right Positions
Small (from 1760px screen width)
- 160×600
Medium (from 1920px screen width)
- 240×960 or 240×400
Large (from 2040px screen width)
- 300×1050 or 300×600
2) Creative requirements
- GFM accepts rich media ie HTML/javascript or simple gif with clickthrough url’s
- if rich media is used such as flash, ensure wmode is “transparent” for both object/embed tags
- Flash (version 10 or lower) and GIF – must be no more than 20k without prior agreement.
- Clients choosing Flash as their first choice, should also supply GIF alternatives (animated if required) to ensure delivery for non-flash player / non-javascript users and also for our newsletters. This is a simple export option in Flash Studio and easily achieved by your designer / agency.
- For email security reasons, GIF banners are the only types that will display in our HTML newsletters.
- Initial load size: Up to 50kb
- Subsequent Polite Load Size: Up to 1MB which includes any additional animation, autoplay,and/or call to action dynamic flash.
- User-initiated Load Size: Up to 1.5MB for SWFs (animation/interaction) and 10MB for Non YouTube served FLVs (video) Total File Size: The combined size for both FLVs and SWFs must not exceed 10MS. Max 1.5MB for SWFs is included in the 10MB max.
- CPU usage: Units containing Flash must not exceed 40% of a user’s CPU.
Important note regarding the use of clickTAG in Flash Banners
When submitting a Macromedia Flash banner you need to supply three files:
- Uncompressed .fla file
- Compiled .swf file
- Standard .gif image file used as a backup to the animated .swf
Include the URL/landing page for each ad campaign as part of the e-mail.
3) Flash file modifications:
(Before compiling your .fla file into a .swf file)
Create the Flash ad in the form of a button. (The user should be able to click on the ad.)
In the button Object Action:
Use clickTag command as part of the getURL and check the URL Expression box.
Set the target Window as _blank and DO NOT check the Window Expression box
Set the Variables as Don’t Send
Button Object Action getURL code below is case sensitive:
on (release) { getURL (clickTAG,"_blank"); }
4) Wall Paper
- Single Image Wallpaper
- should be a minimum of 1280 px wide to accommodate nearly every screen size in common use
- image should have one central centralised panel of 974px which will be occupied by gfm content, with a 5px seperation gutter either side and ad content either side of a minimum 148px
- central panel holding gfm content needs to be transparent or white
- If a canvas larger than 1280px is used, featured content must be aligned to the gutters
- Non-featured content and imagery may extend beyond the gutters to create a better user experience for users on larger monitors or using higher resolutions. To create a seamless experience for users on larger monitors or using higher resolutions, edges must fade to a solid color on sides and bottom to prevent those users from seeing a hard edge.
- File Type: GIF/JPG no rich media
- Total file size: 80k
6) Frame busting/expandables
On occasion ad agencies require ads to expand beyond the boundaries of the ad eg expandable banners. As most gfm ads are delivered through IFRAMES, frame busting code must be provided.
- gfm will place the frame-busting code on the docroot to get over the same origin limitation in browsers
- gfm will not provide the frame busting script, but examples can be found here
- An ad can only expand when the user rolls their mouse over it, it must roll back if they “mouse out”
- providing the cache-busting facility does require a level of trust as it opens the page content to certain security risks. Any abuse of this trust ie using the frame busting code for any purpose other than which it was agreed/intended will result in the immediate removal of the code plus all ads
expandable sizes…
- 300×250 to 550×250?
- 160×600 to 600×600
- 728×90 to 728×315
File sizes?
- Max initial file load size : 40kb?
- Subsequent Max polite File load size: 100K
- Subsequent Max User Initiated File Load Size: 2.2Mb
6) Special Reports:- Spec for pdf and web site
- Supply jpeg Photograph of author of contributing article
- Page trim size: A4 297 mm deep by 210 mm wide
- Colours:Printed 4 colour process throughout
- Type print area: When supplying ads that bleed off the edge of the page, please make sure that the type is within 10mm of the trim line.
- All artwork to be supplied in digital format by email the preferred method is as a pdf.
- If you are using your own distiller settings, please ensure that the following options are adhered to:
- Pdf’s must be supplied in high resolution. Choose “press optimized” option in distiller or “maximum” quality in compression option
- Select 300 dpi as your target resolution for colour and greyscale images. Select 2400 dpi for monochrome images
- Files to be output in CMYK
- All fonts must be embedded into document
- If supplying ads with bleed, ensure crop marks are included on pdf with 3mm bleed on all sides.
please contact Oliver Bradley with any questions
7) Third party serving
GlobalFundMedia serves many third party ads. To avoid any confusions issues though a few points should be borne in mind
- Clients should not use frequency capping. However, if frequency capping is to be used, the client should state so when providing their creative.
- The reason for avoiding frequency capping is that once an ad has been served by the ad server, it is treated as a ‘real’ impression, irrespective of whether frequency capping or some javascript/cookie logic subsequently prevents it from being displayed by a third-party server. This causes several problems
- Firstly, it may not be counted as an impression on the third-party server creating a discrepancy between GFM totals and the client’s own totals.
- Secondly, clickthrough rates for the campaign may also be affected. And thirdly, a blank space will appear on the GFM site where an active ad could have been placed.
- If a client chooses to use frequency capping, it will be on the basis that GFM is exempt from any issues that arise regarding discrepancies in impressions and/or clickthroughs.
8) HTML5 ads
9) Email campaigns
For email campaigns, two options are available :-
1) The client supplies the copy in a fully working form. It is assumed to be working as is, ie responsive and working in all of the most common platform/os combinations. GFM will not make any modifications to the copy in order to make it ‘work’ and will take no responsibility for campaigns that do not provide a good experience for the reader. The copy should also be supplied with any additional images required etc for the email campaign. GFM reserves the right to make slight adjustments in order to meet our commitments to industry standards and best practices ie providing links such as ‘view in browser’ or ‘remove me from this list’
2) GFM can provide a design service for the client. A client brief and set of design creatives can be converted into a full working html email version of the campaign, which can be signed off once the client is happy with the design. The final version can be sent as a test to the client through the GFM email servers.
10) Website Directory
Headshot dimensions: at least 400×400 px
Logo dimensions: width of at least 400px