Digital token trading platform Bitfinex has launched Increase Position and Bitfinex Borrow features for paper trading, enabling users to explore and better understand these features in a simulated market environment without the use of real funds.
Users can now choose the Increase Position feature to create or increase a margin position, adding exposure without the need for additional trading, in their paper trading sub-accounts. This allows users to maintain their exposure to a digital token such as bitcoin, while adding liquidity to their portfolio which could then be used for further trading strategies.
Users who access Bitfinex Borrow with their paper trading sub-account can now obtain loans of up to 70 per cent of the value of their TESTUSD holdings in TESTBTC, and vice versa.
“These additions to paper trading will help our users be more familiar and confident with the Increase Position function as well as Bitfinex Borrow,” says Paolo Ardoino, CTO at Bitfinex. “These new features further demonstrates our commitment to keeping our growing community of users educated and informed.”