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EEX Group reports Power volume of 772 TWh in September 2021

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EEX Group’s Global Power volume amounted to 772 TWh (+45 per cent y-o-y). Volumes increased after many traders returned from an extended summer break to observe increasing levels of volatility on the world markets.

European Power Derivatives exceeded the mark of 500 TWh which is the highest monthly volume in this year and an y-o-y increase of +44 per cent.

New monthly records in German (+57 per cent), Nordic (+104 per cent) and Greek Power Futures (+ 1,388 per cent) also resulting from daily records.

Greek Power Futures recorded 7 TWh traded this year which more than double the 2020 volume, while power options volume more than quadrupled.

US Power Derivatives meanwhile, increased by 63 per cent to 206 TWh while Japanese Power Futures reached 395 GWh (+834 per cent) in September.

European Natural Gas Spot markets increased by 37 per cent to 148 TWh.

Volumes were up across almost all hubs, with German GASPOOL and NCG reporting increases by 53 per cent and 47 per cent respectively, CEGH + 37 per cent and TTF +38 per cent
Gas Derivatives in Europe almost doubled to 104 TWh.
TTF Futures +94 per cent, PEG Futures more than doubled
Strong performance of Czech gas hub on both Spot (+345 per cent) and Derivatives (+1,545 per cent).

US environmental markets posted a new monthly volume record in September with 35,438 lots traded, up 244 per cent compared to the same period last year end exceeding the prior monthly record set last month (August 2021: 31,703 lots).

Freight markets were up 23 per cent to 79,173 lots driven by Freight Futures which rose by +48 per cent.

Agricultural derivatives contracts rose by 38 per cent driven by volume increases in both segments, Processing Potatoes (+54 per cent) and Dairy (+39 per cent).

In the dairy segment EEX Butter Futures increased by 25 per cent while Skimmed Milk Powder Futures rose by 24 per cent.

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