The Power Spot Intraday market as operated by EPEX SPOT, increased by 25 per cent to 9.2 TWh in August, with the Belgian market reporting a new record of 263.6 GWh (previous record in May 2020 with 256.6 GWh) and the Netherlands registering their second highest volume to date with 377.3 GWh.On the European Power Derivatives segment, the Dutch market reported a significant increase of 73 per cent to 3.7 TWh (August 2019: 2.1 TWh) while Hungary continued to cement its position as one of the key trading hubs of central Europe with 13.8 TWh traded, up 43 per cent (August 2019: 9.7 TWh). French and Spanish Futures also reported double-digit growth, with 26.2 TWh and 10.2 TWh respectively.
As in July, the Power Options market continued to show solid results with a total volume of 6.7 TWh, up 36 per cent (August 2019: 4.9 TWh).
On the Power Derivatives Market US, which reported a total volume of 128.6 TWh in August (August 2019: 127.8 TWh), Options hit a new record with 2.2 TWh (previous record in March 2020 with 1.4 TWh).
Having reached the milestone of 100 days of trading in Japan, EEX reported a total of 58.5 GWh in Japan Power trading in August. In addition, during that month, EEX registered its first seasonal and yearly deals for the 2020 Winter and 2021 Calendar year which is a key step in the development of the Japanese Power derivatives market.
In the context of a general slow down in the European wholesale spot gas market, the German Gaspool and the French PEG both registered a positive volume growth of 4 per cent compared to last year, respectively reporting 11.9 TWh and 12.2 TWh.
Despite the Summer season and a major increase in prices, the Environmental products in Europe achieved an increase of 4 per cent, mainly driven by the Emissions Futures and Options markets, which respectively reported a 6 per cent and 80 per cent growth compared to the same period last year: 34 million tonnes of CO2 were traded on the Futures market in August 2020 (August 2019: 32.1 million tonnes of CO2) while 3.8 million tonnes of CO2 were negociated on the Options segment (August 2019: 2.1 million tonnes of CO2).
In North America, Environmental markets on Nodal Exchange – which now offers the largest suite of listed Environmental products in the world – continued to grow significantly last month with a 118 per cent increase to 11,500 contracts (August 2019: 5,270 contracts).
EEX Freight continued to report major growth in the month of August with a 1,176 per cent volume increase to 55,159 lots traded (August 2019: 4,324 lots). The impressive result was driven by both the Futures and Options segments, confirming once more EEX Group’s position as a driving force in dry freight trading worldwide.