Time – 12:00 – 14:00 GMT
Venue – London Capital Club, 15, Abchurch Lane, London, EC4N 7BW.
Time – 12:00 – 14:00 GMT
Venue – London Capital Club, 15, Abchurch Lane, London, EC4N 7BW.
11:45-12:00 Coffee & Registration
12:00-12:10 Introduction to Eurex Exchange Traded Volatility Derivatives:
The Perfect Asset Class for the Equity Fund Manager?
Byron Baldwin, Senior Vice President, Eurex
12:10-12:35 Volatility Investing with the VSTOXX®
Jerome Favresse, Director, Barclays Capital,
Equity Derivatives Research
12:35-13:00 VSXX: Simple and Efficient Access to European Equity Volatility
Regis Loeb, Managing Director, Barclays Capital,
Head of Equity Derivatives Trading
13:00-14:00 Lunch
This Event is only open to the Buy Side.
For further information please contact:
Byron Baldwin
0207 862 7232
[email protected]