According to different sources, including the FT, longevity increases in the UK have been about 2 per cent a year over the past 30 years, forming a large part of the UK’s private sector pension lia
According to different sources, including the FT, longevity increases in the UK have been about 2 per cent a year over the past 30 years, forming a large part of the UK’s private sector pension liabilities of £1,000 billion. While researching longevity risk I have also found that almost all the pensions custodians I spoke to said they have spent the better part of their time in 2010 battling risk and liabilities in their pension plans.
This makes it imperative for plan sponsors to act now to better quantify and assess their plan risks.
But this is easier said than done, at a time when cutting costs means that pricey investment consultants may be out of reach for your scheme. The first step then is to network with your peers who may have similar concerns and, certainly, do have similar budget constraints.
At the European De-Risking Longevity Forum 2010 you will:
 Hear the arguments for and against increased life expectancy – and how it will affect your plan
 Find out how schemes can prepare to quantify their risks
 Learn which alternative de-risking strategies are available to your schemes
 Gain insight into the legal complexity that each bespoke deal is likely to bring