Registration starts at 10.00 with a conference kick-off at 10.30am. The morning is followed by a sponsored buffet lunch at 12.30.
Registration starts at 10.00 with a conference kick-off at 10.30am. The morning is followed by a sponsored buffet lunch at 12.30. The conference resumes at 2pm and finishes with a sponsored networking cocktail at 6.30pm. There are 2 conference streams running simultaneously with a series of energetic 15-20 minute presentations and 50 minute panel discussions.
• Provide a comprehensive networking platform for professional investors & advisors
• Enhance distribution channels for financial institutions
• Deliver knowledge updates from leading industry figures
• Entertain delegates in friendly and relaxed atmosphere
• Maximise ROI for sponsors and exhibitors by putting them in front of real buy-side wealth management professionals
The event will combine seamlessly strong conference content with networking and one-to-one meetings.
Professional Advisors & Institutional Investors
Independent Asset Managers, Private Bankers, Third Party Funds Selectors, Heads of Investment Advisory, Family Office Directors, Portfolio managers, Client Relationship Managers, Wealth Management Advisors, IFAs, Fund of Fund Managers, Pension Fund Managers, Managed Futures Specialists, Investment advisors, Heads of Derivatives & Structured Products, Brokers, Economists, Analysts, Trustees, Tax Specialists, Estate Practioners, Fiduciary Specialists.
Fund Managers, Investment Banks, Alternative Investments, Insurance Companies, Fiduciaries, Corporate Agents, International Financial Centres, Financial IT companies.
Attracting senior professionals today to conventional conferences is proving more and more difficult. They do not want to invest time and money in programmes where only few presentations are of interest to them. Flexibility and cost-effectiveness are the key to success. We have designed a framework that will allow them to streamline their networking through a series of targeted presentations, networking opportunities, one-to-one meetings and the exhibition. Investment advisors from the buy-side and members of qualified professional associations will receive complimentary invitations to the forum.
Asset Management
ETFs, Emerging Markets, Structured products, Fixed-Income, Hedge Funds, Managed Futures, Alternative investments, FOREX, Indices, Strategic Asset Allocation, Socially Responsible Investments, Risk management, Life Insurance Wrappers, Technology.
International Tax Planning and Corporate Services
Trust & Foundations, International Tax & Estate Planning, Corporate Administration, Savings Tax Directives, Global Tax Information Exchange, Asset Protection Planning, IFCs comparative study, Banking Secrecy, OECD White/Grey/Black List, IFCs and DTAs.
Private Client Acquisition, Advice & Management
Family office update, Independent Asset Managers Models, Bank IAM Relationship, Research, Client retention, Open architecture, Business Development Strategies, Technology.