ML Capital Asset Management is reporting high levels of demand for both European and US long/short equity funds this quarter, with a healthy swing towards UK equity strategies.
The investment manager and promoter of the MontLake UCITS Platform has launched the 14th edition of the quarterly ML Capital Alternative UCITS Barometer, which is designed to help identify and anticipate key trends in the demand for the major strategies within the alternative UCITS sector.
The Barometer also highlights strong levels of support for market neutral, fixed income and global macro sectors. While global macro has consistently been one of the strongest performers in terms of asset classes, and always in favour with most investors since the Barometer commenced, the turn around in the demand for fixed income strategies has been dramatic, with over three times more interest shown this quarter compared to last.
Demand for emerging markets and CTA funds remains relatively depressed, with investors indicating that they plan to continue to shun both sectors.