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PEGAS scores a new volume record with more than 250 TWh traded in May

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PEGAS, the pan-European gas trading platform operated by Powernext, registered in May 2019 the highest total volume ever traded on the platform: 254.3 TWh. The previous record dates back February 2016 when 228.4 TWh were traded.

This performance resulted from a volume record on PEGAS spot segment with 149.3 TWh (previous record in March 2018: 133.4 TWh), which, in turn, was driven by a new record on the PEGAS TTF spot segment, where 66.9 TWh were traded (previous record in March 2019: 53.1 TWh).

Derivatives trading amounted to 105.0 TWh, an increase by 39 per cent compared to the previous year (May 2018: 75.5 TWh).

In May, the spot segment amounted to 149.3 TWh, establishing a new record. With 66.9 TWh, the Dutch TTF market also registered a new high and an increase of 143 per cent compared to the previous year (May 2018: 27.5 TWh). The German delivery zones NCG and Gaspool together registered a volume of 44.7 TWh, representing an increase of almost 80 per cent compared to the previous year (May 2018: 24.9 TWh). Trading volumes in quality-specific contracts reached 7.2 TWh. In France, the PEG reached 15.0 TWh (May 2018: 13.5 TWh). The Austrian CEGH VTP traded 8.6 TWh (May 2018: 6.3 TWh). The Belgian markets ZTP and ZEE volumes amounted to 9.0 TWh, which represented a growth of more than 75% over last year (5.1 TWh). The Danish market ETF registered 1.9 TWh (May 2018: 1.9 TWh).

Geographical spread transactions reached 9.7 TWh, while the German and French locational and hourly products totalled 533.4 GWh.

In May, derivatives trading amounted to 105,0 TWh, 39% more compared to previous year (May 2018: 75.5 TWh). The TTF market reached 91.4 TWh, which represents a 47% increase compared to May 2018 (62.1 TWh). The NCG and GASPOOL delivery areas traded 7.0 TWh (May 2018: 5.2 TWh). CEGH VTP registered 2.5 TWh (May 2018: 4.8 TWh). The PEG market area reached 2.4 TWh, a growth of more than 150% (May 2018: 966.4 GWh). The Italian PSV hub traded 390.9 GWh (May 2018: 2.1 TWh). The CZ VTP traded 108.8 GWh (May 2018: 351.2 GWh).

The volume of geographical spread transactions accounted for 2.6 TWh and time spread transactions amounted to 3.3 TWh.

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