Digital Assets Report

1) sizes supported

2) Creative requirements

1) sizes supported

2) Creative requirements

3) Flash file modifications:

4) Wall Paper 

5) Frame busting/expandables 

6) Special Reports:- Spec for pdf and web site

7) Third party serving

8) HTML5 Ads

9) Email Campaigns

10) Website Directory

1) Sizes supported

Leader board
Desktop – 970 x 250
Tablet – 728 x 90
Mobile – 320 x 50

Half Page
Desktop – 300 x 600
Tablet – 160 x 600
Mobile – 300 x 250

Newsletters banners – 728×90

Website Background Takeover

Background Horizontal Positions


  • 970×250
  • 970×90
  • 728×90


  • 300×250
  • 300×50

Background Left and Right Positions

Small (from 1760px screen width)

  • 160×600

    Medium (from 1920px screen width)

  • 240×960
  • 240×400

    Large (from 2040px screen width)

  • 300×1050
  • 300×600

*below are the sizes required to give complete coverage. Two of each to cover either top and bottom or left and right.

At least two of:

  • 970×250 and/or 970×90 and/or 728×90

And at least two of:

  • 300×250 and/or 300×50

And at least two of:

  • 300×1050 and/or 300×600

And at least two of:

  • 240×960 and/or 240×400

And at least two of:

  • 160×600

2) Creative requirements

Important note regarding the use of clickTAG in Flash Banners

When submitting a Macromedia Flash banner you need to supply three files:

  1. Uncompressed .fla file 
  2. Compiled .swf file 
  3. Standard .gif  image file used as a backup to the animated .swf 

Include the URL/landing page for each ad campaign as part of the e-mail.

3) Flash file modifications:

(Before compiling your .fla file into a .swf file)

Create the Flash ad in the form of a button. (The user should be able to click on the ad.)

In the button Object Action:

Use clickTag command as part of the getURL and check the URL Expression box. 

Set the target Window as _blank and DO NOT check the Window Expression box 

Set the Variables as Don’t Send 

Button Object Action getURL code below is case sensitive:

on (release) {  getURL (clickTAG,"_blank");  } 

4) Wall Paper 

6) Frame busting/expandables 

On occasion ad agencies require ads to expand beyond the boundaries of the ad eg expandable banners. As most gfm ads are delivered through IFRAMES, frame busting code must be provided.

expandable sizes…

File sizes?

 6) Special Reports:- Spec for pdf and web site

please contact Oliver Bradley with any questions 

 7) Third party serving

GlobalFundMedia serves many third party ads. To avoid any confusions issues though a few points should be borne in mind

  • Clients should not use frequency capping. However, if frequency capping is to be used, the client should state so when providing their creative.
  • The reason for avoiding frequency capping is that once an ad has been served by the ad server, it is treated as a ‘real’ impression, irrespective of whether frequency capping or some javascript/cookie logic subsequently prevents it from being displayed by a third-party server. This causes several problems
  • Firstly, it may not be counted as an impression on the third-party server creating a discrepancy between GFM totals and the client’s own totals.
  • Secondly, clickthrough rates for the campaign may also be affected. And thirdly, a blank space will appear on the GFM site where an active ad could have been placed.
  • If a client chooses to use frequency capping, it will be on the basis that GFM is exempt from any issues that arise regarding discrepancies in impressions and/or clickthroughs.

 8) HTML5 ads

As all ads are served through frames, there are no limitations on using HTML5. The only concern for agencies would be to have an appropriate fallback in the event that a user is using a browser that does not support HTML5. A fuller explanation can be found here.

 9) Email campaigns

For email campaigns, two options are available :-

1) The client supplies the copy in a fully working form. It is assumed to be working as is, ie responsive and working in all of the most common platform/os combinations. GFM will not make any modifications to the copy in order to make it ‘work’ and will take no responsibility for campaigns that do not provide a good experience for the reader. The copy should also be supplied with any additional images required etc for the email campaign.  GFM reserves the right to make slight adjustments in order to meet our commitments to industry standards and best practices ie providing links such as ‘view in browser’ or ‘remove me from this list’

2) GFM can provide a design service for the client. A client brief and set of design creatives can be converted into a full working html email version of the campaign, which can be signed off once the client is happy with the design. The final version can be sent as a test to the client through the GFM email servers. 

The cost of this service would be around 1500 GBP, but may be slightly more or less depending on the campaign complexity. For more information on this service fill in the contact form here using category ‘Email campaigns’. 


 10) Website Directory 

Headshot dimensions: at least 400×400 px

Logo dimensions: width of at least 400px