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Connor, Clark & Lunn makes market neutral strategy available to investors

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Asset management firm Connor, Clark & Lunn Financial Group has made the CC&L Small Cap Market Neutral strategy available to individual investors.

Investors will be able to access the strategy via a fund distributed through investment dealers.

Previously, direct investment in the strategy has only been available to institutional investors and partners of Connor, Clark & Lunn.

"We have been fortunate in developing strong partnerships with a number of the top investment advisors in the country at select full-service investment dealers," says Tim Elliott, who heads Connor, Clark & Lunn’s distribution efforts into this channel.

"By making the CC&L Small Cap Market Neutral strategy available through Fundserv, we are providing a unique tool for advisors to help them build better portfolios for high net worth clients. Given the strategy’s distinctive track record and structure, it can serve an important role in enhancing the risk/reward profile for traditional portfolios, especially during volatile markets."

CC&L has elected to offer the fund without a performance fee. Instead, a flat management fee of 2.50 per cent will be charged for the A class and 1.50 per cent for the F class.

"Our desire is to have long term, mutually beneficial relationships with advisers and their clients by creating the conditions for their success," says Elliott. "For this type of strategy, we feel that a straight flat fee is the best way to achieve this."

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