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CAIS Exchange integrates MSCI’s RiskMetrics HedgePlatform

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CAIS Exchange (CAIS-X), the first online alternative investment marketplace for the wealth management industry, has expanded its suite of adviser tools to include MSCI’s RiskMetrics HedgePlatform, an investment decision support tool providing hedge fund transparency and risk analysis.

The addition of RiskMetrics HedgePlatform will allow CAIS-X member firms to better analyse, monitor and manage their alternative investments through access to in-depth reports based directly on the individual positions at the underlying funds.

The addition of RiskMetrics HedgePlatform coupled with CAIS’s longstanding due diligence partnership with Mercer, provides an institutional solution previously not available to the broader wealth management industry. Through manager transparency and risk reports, CAIS-X offers members an increased ability to conduct rigorous manager monitoring, robust portfolio construction and proper risk management.

"RiskMetrics HedgePlatform is a meaningful addition to our growing suite of no-fee adviser tools as it provides us with an unprecedented level of transparency on funds that list on CAIS-X," says Rafay Farooqui, co-founder and president of CAIS. "For advisers that manage assets holistically, there is a need to understand the underlying exposure of third-party funds within a larger wealth portfolio. With the addition of RiskMetrics HedgePlatform, CAIS-X continues to offer members a true competitive advantage."

"We are very pleased to be working with CAIS to provide them with the tools they need for their hedge fund investment and risk management processes," says Roveen Bhansali, managing director and head of the risk management analytics business at MSCI.  "We look forward to a long and successful relationship with CAIS."

The Wealth Adviser Awards 2013 for the top wealth manager and service providers will be held in London towards the end of Q1 2013. Please click here to nominate your product/firm.

The Hedgeweek Awards 2013 for the best hedge fund performers and service providers will be held in London towards the end of Q1 2013. Please click here to nominate your product/firm.

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