Digital Assets Report

Market data

Bruce Fador, Wall Street Horizon

Wall Street Horizon and MT Newswires to help quants uncover alpha

Wall Street Horizon, the corporate events surveillance specialist, and MT Newswires have formed a partnership designed to help quantitative investors uncover new sources of alpha.   Under the agreement, Wall Street Horizon will now be able to offer MT Newswires’ Live

Bank of England

BofE raises interest rates by 0.25 per cent

The Bank of England has raised interest rates by a quarter point to 0.5 per cent, the first interest rate rise in a decade. Commenting on the decision, Andrew Fowkes, Head of Retail Centre of Excellence, SAS UK & Ireland

Salvatore Bruno, IndexIQ

IndexIQ multi-strategy index dominates returns in August

IndexIQ’s hedge indexes’ results for August 2017 revealed the top performing index as the IQ Hedge Multi-Strategy Index, up 0.67 per cent in the month, followed by the IQ Hedge Long/Short Index, which returned 0.56 per cent in the period. 

HFR Kenneth J Heinz

HFR reports hedge funds allocations beat redemptions

HFR reports that hedge fund industry capital increased to a fourth consecutive quarterly record in 2Q17, as investor allocations outweighed redemptions for the first time since 3Q15. Total hedge fund capital rose to USD3.1 trillion, a quarterly increase of USD34.1

HFR Kenneth J Heinz

HFR reports hedge funds up 3.5 per cent year to date

Data from HFR shows that hedge funds advanced in August led by a resurgence in Energy/Basic Materials and Activist strategies.  The HFRI Fund Weighted Composite Index (FWC) gained +0.4 per cent for the month, increasing the Index Value to 12,709

Elliot Hann, Fenics Market Data, BGC

Fenics Market Data partners with Amerex for energy data

Fenics Market Data, BGC’s Market Data division, has agreed to a distribution partnership with OTC energy brokerage Amerex Brokers (Amerex), whereby Fenics Market Data will provide Amerex energy-focused market data products to its customer base.   The Amerex market data service

Euronext trading volumes down in July

Average daily transaction value on the Euronext cash order book in July stood at EUR6,193 million in July, a fall of 21.7 per cent compared to July 2015.  Activity on ETFs continued to show strong resilience despite the general downturn

upwards trending arrow

EEX Group sees major volume growth in the H1 2016

The European Energy Exchange (EEX) continued its growth course and achieved new record volumes in its markets in the first half of 2016. In the first six months of the year, a volume of 2,247.8 TWh was traded on the


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