Deutsche Börse Market Data & Analytics has launched the CEF alpha+ macro news feed in cooperation with the financial news agency Market News International.
Deutsche Börse Market Data & Analytics has launched the CEF alpha+ macro news feed in cooperation with the financial news agency Market News International.
The data feed supplies macroeconomic news relevant to trading directly from the sources in automated trading applications. The data is prepared for immediate processing by the applications. Banks and proprietary traders use news data in their algorithms as a signal for trading decisions.
‘With the CEF alpha+ macro, Market Data & Analytics and MNI are launching their first joint product on the market via Deutsche Börse since we acquired MNI. The news feed CEF alpha+ macro is part of our growth strategy of offering global information that is relevant to trading primarily to market participants with automated trading applications,’ says Georg Gross, head of front office data and analytics at Deutsche Börse.
Market News International, a wholly-owned Deutsche Börse subsidiary, has access to news relevant to the capital market as soon as it is published. CEF alpha+ macro makes this news immediately available upon release with the lowest latency to algorithmic trading, which is sensitive to speed.
Initially, CEF alpha+ macro will distribute data published by the US Department of Labor and the US Department of Commerce, such as employment figures and trading volumes. Macroeconomic information from Europe and major Asian countries will become available during the course of the year.