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ENSO launches Color Portal to optimise information flow between prime brokers and hedge funds

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ENSO Financial Analytics (ENSO) has launched ENSO Color Portal, which allows managers to receive prices and anecdotal colour tailored specifically to their trading activities. 

Hedge funds typically receive an extensive amount of information from brokers – most of which is not related to their actual portfolios. ENSO Color Portal allows them to customise, qualify and rank the commentary and balance sheet opportunities they want, all in seconds. 

ENSO Color Portal revolutionises the way that dealers interact with hedge funds. Apart from allowing them to communicate rates and commentary to both existing and future clients, they can now quantify the number of readers and receive direct feedback. ENSO Color Portal allows dealers to submit commentary on a wide range of names, quantify how many hedge fund managers read their color and learn how they have rated it.  

ENSO Color Portal introduces transparency to what has historically been an opaque market, combining treasury, technology and operational innovation with an entirely new level of intelligence.

"There is a clear, compelling need for an industry-wide solution to help hedge funds with multiple counterparties who face a constant deluge of information, and who are looking for ways to improve their unique profiles with each dealer," says Matthew Bernard, Partner at ENSO. "ENSO Color Portal allows them to break through the noise and zero in on the most relevant desk flow commentary and information, which ultimately makes them better counterparties to the street and helps them optimize across each of their relationships."

"Hedge funds and their prime brokers have entered a completely new era of competitive and regulatory challenges," says Michael Gentile, Partner at ENSO. "For dealers, availability of balance sheet is more limited than ever before, and both prime brokers as well as hedge funds need to ensure they are using this resource in the most effective manner possible to optimise returns. This raises the curtain on fundamentally new ways to efficiently manage collateral, across a global setting, as part of an overall trading services business strategy."

ENSO Color Portal builds on the foundation established by ENSO Core, a platform that provides a mutually beneficial information bridge between hedge funds, asset managers and the prime broker community. By introducing a measure of joint-transparency between hedge funds' trading activity and counterparties, ENSO Core is the first step in the creation of a new ecosystem that enhances pre-trade intelligence while maximising dealer balance sheets. There are currently five major broker-dealers on the platform.

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