Derivatives exchange Eurex has announced that it will enhance the scope of its future based on the Dow Jones Euro Stoxx 50 Dividend Index as of 4 May 2009.
Derivatives exchange Eurex has announced that it will enhance the scope of its future based on the Dow Jones Euro Stoxx 50 Dividend Index as of 4 May 2009.
In response to customer requests, an additional three expiry dates will be listed, taking the total available for trading to ten annual contracts out to the December 2018 expiry.
Additionally, the trading hours will be extended from 5:30 pm to 10:00 pm CET, bringing it in-line with other Eurex index derivatives.
Since its introduction in June 2008, the dividend index future has achieved an average daily volume of over 7,000 contracts and open interest in this product currently stands at around 250,000.
The index dividend is the first contract based on the pure dividend component of a major equity index that has been available for on exchange-trading and central clearing on a standalone basis.