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HSBC Trading AdvantEdge launches two new share classes

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HSBC Trading AdvantEdge Fund has launched two new share classes – euro and sterling – in addition to the original US dollar class.

HSBC Trading AdvantEdge Fund has launched two new share classes – euro and sterling – in addition to the original US dollar class.

Originally launched by HSBC Republic Investments Limited (HRIL) in October 2005, the fund is a sub-fund within a Guernsey domiciled unit trust umbrella, HSBC Uni-Folio and has assets of USD 70.88 million as at the end of April 2006.

Since inception the fund, which seeks to provide a total return from selective investment in a number of hedge funds that utilise predominantly commodity trading advisor and managed future strategies, has increased by 9.6% compared with an increase of 9.1% in the benchmark of 50% MSCI World Index/50% US Dollar 3 month LIBOR.
"The new share classes will broaden the appeal of the HSBC Trading AdvantEdge Fund and is suitable for investors seeking higher, long term returns and who can tolerate short term volatility that such investment may incur,’ says Barbara Rupf Bee, chief executive, HSBC Republic Investments Limited. ‘The fund’s investment performance since October 2005 has been tremendous and the portfolio managers selected in each target have been chosen as a result of extensive research by HRIL’s team of experienced investment managers."

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