The Supervisory Board of the European Commodity Clearing AG (ECC) has re-appointed Dr Thomas Siegl as a member of the Management Board of the clearing house.
The extension of his appointment was adopted by the Supervisory Board at the meeting on 21 June 2012 with effect from 1 May 2013 for a term of another three years.
Thomas Siegl was first appointed to the ECC Management Board in May 2010. In the capacity of the Chief Risk Officer (CRO) he is in charge of clearing and settlement, risk controlling and risk management at the clearing house. Peter Reitz (Chief Executive Officer) and Dr. Christoph Mura (Chief Operating Officer) are the further members of the Management Board of ECC.
European Commodity Clearing AG (ECC) is the central clearing house for energy and related products in Europe. In its function as the central counterparty ECC assumes clearing as well as physical and financial settlement of transactions concluded on APXENDEX, CEGH Gas Exchange of Vienna Stock Exchange, EEX, EPEX SPOT, HUPX and Powernext or registered for OTC-Clearing on these exchanges, respectively.