Apex Fund Services has marked its 10 year anniversary with the launch of its latest service, Apex Capital Introduction Services (Apex CIS).
Apex CIS will assist fund managers with raising new capital through the experience and investor relationships of Leah Cox, managing director of Apex CIS. Cox has spent over 15 years working in financial services and previously worked with Bear Stearns and Deutsche Bank.
This is the first time an independent fund administration company has provided a dedicated capital introductory service.
Apex CIS will prepare and advise Apex’s clients on the most effective way to raise capital for all fund types including hedge, private equity, real estate and long-only funds. Apex CIS already has a number of clients on board and via Apex’s global network of 33 offices, Apex CIS can assist fund managers in any jurisdiction.
Peter Hughes, group managing director, says: “When I first formed Apex 10 years ago I wanted to create a business with the best people, with the best products and with significant scale that would allow it to make a real difference to the financial services sector.
“It is incredibly satisfying to see the whole Apex family working hard towards one goal; bringing the highest levels of service possible to our clients along with the widest range of products. This strategy is clearly appreciated by managers, demonstrated by the growing number of clients we have around the world benefiting from our advice, experience and local service centres.
“My focus is to develop new services that enable our clients to grow their businesses in a tough environment and I am delighted to celebrate Apex’s 10th birthday with the launch of Apex CIS. Raising new capital is the biggest challenge for most managers and I am very proud that Apex will be playing a key role in helping to bridge their funding gap.”
Cox says: “Apex is the ideal service provider for emerging and established managers to partner with and be able to access Apex’s extensive range of services including free office facilities, portfolio and order management, cloud technology, fund administration and now capital raising. Apex can provide much needed support to funds in the early days and beyond.
“Adding capital introduction will give our managers more opportunity to target the right investors, at the right times and have a better chance of securing the investment they need.”