Arca SGR, one of Italy’s leading saving and investment companies, has launched a range of absolute return multi-strategy, multi-manager
Arca SGR, one of Italy’s leading saving and investment companies, has launched a range of absolute return multi-strategy, multi-manager funds.
These are the first multi-strategy, multi-manager funds with absolute return objectives to be distributed under Italian law.
Arca, which manages aggregate assets of 35 billion Euros and serves approximately 650,000 customers, this week unveiled the new funds range, called ‘ARCA Rendimento Assoluto t3 and t5’, developed in conjunction with Russell Investment Group.
At the launch of the new range in Milan, Attilio Ferrari, Managing Director of Arca SGR, said: ‘The launch of Multi Strategy Multi Manager funds based on ‘non-directional’ strategies opens up a new horizon for the asset management market in Italy and in Europe. Thanks to the opportunities offered by the recent Vigilanza regulation and to the know-how of Russell Investment Group, we are able again to offer to investors, to our clients, sophisticated investment solutions which are suitable for any type of portfolio. The new funds adhere to the highest level of winning values: excellent and transparent information, efficient management, and an established risk control culture.’
With the launch of ‘t3′ and t5’, Arca Sgr is the first investment company in Italy to seize on the opportunities offered by recent regulatory changes instigated by Banca d’Italia, which impact the choice of financial instruments mutual funds can invest in. The innovative structure of these new funds could therefore be used as a model by other European asset management companies.
The new generation funds t3 and t5 are adapted to the investment demands of every investor and every type of portfolio. They are available as of this week from the Arca Sgr distribution network. The Arca network comprises of more than 120 banks with approximately 8,000 branches across Italy, in addition to a variety of on-line financial sponsor and investor networks.
The launch of these new funds marks a new evolution in the Arca/ Russell partnership, and is an exclusive offering to the Italian retail market.
Arca and Russell believe that retail investors have increasing appetite for absolute return offerings with low volatility.
The Arca Rendimento Assoluto products were developed to service this demand. Arca stated that key features of the new range are as follows:
• ‘they aim to obtain absolute returns above those of short-term bonds, with controlled volatility and a reduced correlation to traditional financial markets;
• they use, together with traditional investments in bonds and securities, a plurality of innovative alternative strategies such as hedge funds, active currency management, real-estate securities and "portable alpha";
• they are unique in Italy due to the exclusive Russell Multi Strategy Multi Manager approach, which provides a best-of-breed, dynamic and diversified investment offering;
• they offer risk-control, via constant risk monitoring to ensure portfolio positions are in line with the investment objectives; they also allow access to the most advanced investment management techniques not easily available to retail investors;
• portfolio management is entrusted to managers selected on the basis of excellence and their use of innovative investment techniques.’
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