BCS, a trader of equities and derivatives on the Russian exchange, has appointed Gareth Johnson as senior trader to the London office, as of the beginning of October.
The appointment highlights the sustained growth of BCS’s UK business which has made a number of key hires over the past 12 months.
Relocating to London, Johnson has joined BCS to start-up the equity trading arm of the international business. Johnson recently returned to the UK after living in Russia for seven years, where he was most recently senior equity trader at Troika Dialog.
Prior to his time with Troika, Johnson held head of equity trading positions at both Alfa Bank and Uralsib Capital.
Additionally, Tim Bevan has been promoted to executive director of the board of BCS Prime Brokerage Limited effective 13 November 2013. His previous title was head of international prime sales and he will continue his duties in this capacity along with his board responsibilities.
Joseph Dayan, executive director and head of markets of BCS Prime Brokerage, says: “Since our UK operations were granted regulatory approval by the FCA we have been gradually building our team. We are delighted that Gareth has joined especially given his experience in both European and Russian markets. The appointment affirms BCS’s aspiration to become the main hub for trading securities between London and Moscow.”
Johnson says: “I have been impressed by BCS’s ambition and recent evolution in the international arena, and am pleased to be a part of this exciting period for the business. Russia’s markets are now extremely sophisticated and we want to promote the country’s capabilities to the global trading community.”