Hedge fund-turned digital intelligence provider CargoMetrics, a specialist in the systematic monitoring and analysis of global maritime trade, has launched three new commercial data products that measure seaborne commodity trade – the Iron Ore Pack, LNG Pack, and LPG Pack.
The products are designed to support analysis, modelling, learning, training, and backtesting to support data-driven decisions.
The three products join CargoMetrics’ popular Crude Pack, released in 2022, and are part of the company’s commodity group of Better-Built Data products. Each includes global coverage – with greater than 90% of imports and exports by country – point-in-time daily data, and more than six years of historical data.
CargoMetrics’ patented system consumes billions of new data points daily and has been built with point-in-time considerations from the ground up, providing a foundation for data driven decision making and systematic algorithmic operations. The company applies physical modelling, statistical modelling, and machine learning techniques to derive actionable insights into global economic activity.
The Iron Ore Pack, LNG Pack, LPG Pack, and Crude Pack are available for licensing on the AWS Data Exchange (ADX). The Crude Pack is also available on Bloomberg DATA < GO >.