Single Manager Hedge Funds

Eurekahedge reports CTAs bucking the hedge fund outflow trend

The October 2016 Eurekahedge Report finds that over September 2016 hedge funds recorded their fifth month of investor redemptions pushing net investor allocations into the red for the year with USD8.7 billion outflows. As of September 2016 year-to-date, this has


Barclays finds hedge funds failing to meet investor expectations

Barclays Prime Services Strategic Consulting has just completed its latest report entitled ‘Against All Odds – Hedge Fund Industry Developments and Implications for Growth’.  The report finds that although hedge funds have produced considerable excess returns since 1993, such levels

Lyxor Philippe Ferreira

Lyxor reports hedge fund performance recovers in February

Lyxor’s Cross Asset Research team has focused on the performance of value equity funds versus their benchmarks in this week’s report, commenting that value stocks have lost steam but active managers are staying afloat. The firm writes that value stocks


It all comes down to style in managed futures

Managed futures have become an alternative asset class that is widely used by investors seeking overall portfolio diversification and absolute returns independent of the direction of broad equity and bond markets, according to a study by alternative investment managers Steben

Eurekahedge reports CTAs see strongest interest from investors

The September 2016 Eurekahedge Report finds that, over August, hedge funds witnessed their fourth consecutive month of outflows with investor redemptions totalling USD23.8 billion during this period.  However, total hedge fund assets have grown by USD17.6 billion over the past eight

HFR Kenneth J Heinz

Japan hedge funds hit by Brexit

Hedge fund data provider HFR reports that hedge funds investing in Japan declined to conclude the first half of 2016 as the Japanese Yen surged on Brexit, while hedge funds investing in China and throughout Emerging Asia posted mixed performance

Ulf Fullgraf

Aquila Capital and Alpha Centauri in alternative beta launch

Aquila Capital is to launch an alternative beta strategy in cooperation with Alpha Centauri, bringing the Hamburg-based specialist investment boutique, which offers liquid alternative risk premia and equity factor strategies, to Aquila's Associated Manager Group platform. The new alternative beta

GLG launches distressed fund

London-based hedge fund GLG Partners has launched a new distressed fund, according to a report in the Financial Times. The fund, which will invest in the debt of troubled UK and European companies focussing on tradeable, liquid securities and avoiding


05 June, 2025 – 5:00 pm

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