Deutsche Bank’s structured funds division, db-X funds, has marked ten years in the structuring business by reaching over EUR10 billion in assets under management.
“Innovation, transparency, cost efficiency – these are some of the attributes that we’ve built our success on over the last 10 years,” says Alex McKenna, head of db X-funds. “I look forward to another decade of continued growth and delivering quality, unique products to our expanding client base.”
By structuring strategies in fund format, db-X funds provides on-shore, regulated access to the latest thinking in enhanced beta and alpha investment. Many db-X funds are based on proprietary Deutsche Bank trading strategies unavailable elsewhere in liquid, tradable form. db-X funds currently has over seventy fund offerings, with plans in place for several more launches this year.
db-X funds has grown assets in its suite of CROCI (cash return on capital invested) funds to more than EUR1.9 billion. The CROCI products offer exclusive access to the well-known proprietary valuation technique of that name, created in-house by Deutsche Bank and aiming to identify undervalued stocks. The largest CROCI fund is DB Platinum IV CROCI US, with almost USD1 billion in assets. The fund aims to deliver long-term capital appreciation by providing exposure to forty large-cap US stocks chosen using the CROCI methodology.
More than EUR2bn of db-X funds’ assets are invested in Ucits-compliant hedge fund strategies offering daily or weekly dealing. Partners include the New York-based Paulson & Co, Lynx Asset Management AB and Winton Capital Management Ltd.
With EUR1.4 billion in assets, the db-X Systematic Alpha Index Fund, providing exposure to the investment expertise of Winton Capital, was launched less than two years ago yet ranks as one of the largest Ucits-compliant managed futures funds in the world.