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Diapason appoints new Global Head of Sales

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Diapason Commodities Management has appointed Frederic Hervouet as Global Head of Sales.

Diapason Commodities Management has appointed Frederic Hervouet as Global Head of Sales.

Hervouet will work alongside Diapason CM Partners, Lionel Motière, Chairman and Stephan Wrobel, CEO leading a team of three internal and three external marketers. Christian Simond, senior sales executive, whose background is in alternative investments, is part of the team along with Nicholas Kennedy who recently joined the firm from Reyl & Cie.

Hervouet, who is currently based in Lausanne,will move to London in early 2006. Born in France, he started his career in 1996 at Banque Indosuez on the Treasury Desk, specializing on swaps. He then joined Barep Asset Management, the hedge fund arm of Société Générale and from 1997 to 1998 was based in Singapore, heading the South-East Asian Markets as a senior marketer. He returned to Paris in 1999 to head the European Markets distribution for Barep Asset management when the hedge fund firm grew up to EUR 5.5 billion as assets under management.

In 2001, Hervouet participated in the launch of Systeia CM, the hedge fund investment arm of Credit Agricole Group in Paris, as a partner, covering European, South East Asian and Middle Eastern clients and stayed until the end of 2005.  He is a graduate from University Paris Dauphine in France and is a member of the AIMA (Alternative Investment Management Association) and the BVAI (Bundesverband Alternative Investments eV) in Bonn.
Background noted: Diapason Commodities Management S.A is a privately-owned Swiss limited partnership and commodity operator, based in Lausanne, Switzerland and London, United Kingdom.

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