The European Energy Exchange (EEX) achieved a total volume of 220.7 TWh on its power derivatives markets in April 2017, compared with 416.3 TWh in April 2016.
A volume of 0.1 TWh was traded in the new German power futures which EEX launched on 25 April, while trading volumes in Phelix power futures for the German-Austrian price zone amounted to 171.1 TWh (April 2016: 266.8 TWh).
The April volume comprises 121.0 TWh traded at EEX via Trade Registration with subsequent clearing. Clearing and settlement of all exchange transactions was executed by European Commodity Clearing (ECC).
On the EEX Market for emission allowances, traded volumes in April almost doubled to 149.6 million tonnes of CO2 (April 2016: 77.7 million tonnes of CO2).
More than half of the total volume was traded on the secondary market. In particular, EEX significantly increased its volumes on the EUA derivatives market. Compared to the previous year, volumes in this market increased almost sixfold to 66.5 million tonnes of CO2 (April 2016: 12.0 million tonnes of CO2). Additonally, the primary market auctions contributed 70.0 million tonnes of CO2 to the total volume.
Throughout April, a total of 4,094 contracts was traded in agricultural products (April 2016: 5,136 contracts). This includes 2,557 contracts from processing potatoes (equal to 63,925 tonnes) and 1,537 contracts from dairy products (equal to 7,685 tonnes).
In freight futures which are available for trade registration, EEX recorded a volume of 3,065 contracts in April.
In April, EEX admitted Energy Supply EOOD, Sofia (Bulgaria), as a new trading participant. Furthermore, the membership of Iberdrola Generación Espana, SAU, Bilbao, was extended to trading of emission allowances.