The monthly volume on EEX’s power derivatives market amounted to 373.3 TWh in September 2016, increasing the 225.8 TWh traded in September 2015 by 65 per cent.
The core markets Germany (248.2 TWh, +68 per cent), France (46.2 TWh, +57 per cent) and Italy (51.0 TWh, +33 per cent) contributed to the total volume.
Volume in power options for Germany increased nearly three-fold to 18.6 TWh (September 2015: 6.9 TWh).
The September volumes comprised 199.0 TWh registered at EEX for clearing. Clearing and settlement of all transactions was executed by European Commodity Clearing (ECC).
On the EEX Market for emission allowances, a total volume of 92.6 million tonnes of CO2 was traded in September which represents an increase of 27 per cent (September 2015: 73.0 million tonnes of CO2).
The volume on the EUA Derivatives Market more than doubled compared to the previous year, to 22.2 million tonnes of CO2 (September 2015: 9.2 million tonnes of CO2). Primary market auctions contributed 62.1 million tonnes of CO2 to the total volume.
In September, a total of 6,678 contracts were traded in agricultural products at EEX, representing more than a four-fold volume increase against the previous year (September 2015: 1,424 contracts). The total volume included 5,593 contracts (equal to 139,825 tonnes) from European processing potatoes and 1,085 contracts (equal to 5,425 tonnes) from dairy products.
In September, EEX registered 2,795 contracts in freight futures.
In September, EEX admitted MetaEnergia, Rome, and Vattenfall Europe Generation, Cottbus (Germany), as new trading participants.