The Intraday market has been the main growth driver on the European Power Spot market during March, contributing 10.7 TWh to the total volume of 52.0 TWh during the last month, according to the European Energy Exchange (EEX).
The development of the European Power Derivatives market (352.8 TWh) was driven by the growth of the French Power Futures (+56 per cent), the Belgian Power Futures (+505 per cent) and the Nordic Power Futures (+108 per cent).
Power Options increased by 8 per cent to a volume of 5.1 TWh.
US Power Futures reached their second highest volume with 303.9 TWh, up 52 per cent compared to March 2021.
EEX’s European Natural Gas Spot markets doubled to 267.4 TWh during the month. This development was driven by further records on the Dutch TTF (+162 per cent), the French PEG (+68 per cent), the British NBP (+5,864 per cent) and the Austrian CEGH hubs (+144 per cent).
The European Natural Gas Derivatives market, meanwhile, reached a total trading volume of 373.8 TWh. The main growth drivers were the Dutch TFF hub (+273 per cent), the French PEG hub (+723 per cent), and the Austrian CEGH hub (+644 per cent). The German THE (65.5 TWh) and the Spanish PVB hubs (7.1 TWh) also both achieved record volume.
The US Gas Derivatives market amounted to a trading volume of 7.3 TWh during March 2022.