Independent equities broker Redburn is to implement Synapse, a new sales insight product from Feedstock.
Synapse captures every client email sent in and out of organisations and is designed to deliver enriched, automatically categorised CRM data using AI, whilst tracking how people engage with emails and their content. The system is designed for modern businesses tracking each communication, across every device without the need for email plugins, behaviour change or any manual inputs.
Feedstock says Synapse delivers 10-times more client insights than traditional CRMs for both the client facing operators and management teams. Legacy CRM systems produce incomplete and out of date data, making the inputs unreliable for complete business decisions. The fully-integrated FeedStock software provides a centralised dataset that can be leveraged by the whole enterprise, teams and individuals. FeedStock can pipe data into CRMs, enabling an understanding of real pipeline progression and account management.
Matthew Norman (pictured), Head of Technology at Redburn, says: “We are always looking for the best technology solutions that can deliver value to our business. We chose FeedStock because of its new automated approach to understanding client interactions and have been amazed by the insights it produces. Almost 10 x more client data captured than our traditional CRM workflows with zero disruption to any client facing staff, whilst delivering continuous insights to our sales and management teams. Both parts of the business win.”
Charlie Henderson, FeedStock’s Founder and Managing Director, says: “We created Synapse to enable people to outperform, hit their KPIs and deliver excellent outcomes. People no longer need to rely on manually inputted and partial CRM data, FeedStock automates the whole process. We are delighted to bring Synapse to the market at a time when data driven strategies begin to take hold over legacy CRM approaches.”