FXCM Group, an international provider of online foreign exchange trading, CFD trading, cryptocurrencies and related services, has launched a new service that provides free SMS trading alerts to help users spot potential trading opportunities. This new service covers shares, forex, gold, and many other tradable instruments at FXCM. Users can select the instruments that they wish to receive signals for, which will be delivered daily to their mobile.
Each SMS alert text message includes a link to a dedicated page where the user can see entry and exit levels along with duration so to find better potential trading opportunities. Texts will be sent as soon as a pattern has formed or there is a breakout of key levels.
“We are always looking for new ways to increase the efficiency and ease of trading for our customers,” says Brendan Callan, CEO of FXCM. “Sending free SMS trade alerts ensures our customers are always up to date on the latest market moves, making it easier than ever to identify the best trading opportunities.”
The instruments available to receive buy and sell signals are; GBP/USD, AUD/USD, EUR/USD, Gold, DAX, S&P, DOW, Bitcoin, Amazon, Netflix, Facebook, Google, Apple, and Tesla.
The service is currently available to UK, Australia, Malaysia and South Africa with more territories set to follow later this year.