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Haidar leads macro pack with 193% annual gain

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Said Haidar’s Jupiter Fund recorded its best ever gain last year since launching over two decades ago with a 193% return that saw Haidar outperform peers including Crispin Odey, Chris Rokos and Neal Berger, according to a report by Bloomberg, in what proved to be a year of outperformance for many macro funds.

Said Haidar’s Jupiter Fund recorded its best ever gain last year since launching over two decades ago with a 193% return that saw Haidar outperform peers including Crispin Odey, Chris Rokos and Neal Berger, according to a report by Bloomberg, in what proved to be a year of outperformance for many macro funds.

The report cites investor documents as revealing that $3.8 billion fund’s highly leveraged strategy paid off as central banks retreated from years of quantitative easing in a bid to curb soaring inflation.

The Jupiter Fund benefitted from short bets against bond yields in both the US and UK, and other G7 countries while winning bets on commodities and stocks also helped boost returns.

At one point last year, the fund was up by as much as 274% but gave up some of those gains during Q4.

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