Harness Liquid Macro Fund has selected Fincad Analytics to provide real time derivatives pricing and risk monitoring.
Harness is using Fincad Analytics Suite for Excel as its primary desktop derivatives pricing solution for front office applications such as trade evaluation, risk monitoring of exchange traded options and OTC derivatives pricing.
It uses the solution on a daily basis for valuing interest rate swaps, calculating net present value, generating forward curves, and running scenario analyses.
"We primarily trade derivatives and needed a valuation solution that was not only accurate and reliable, but it also had to be very easy to use and implement on a desktop," says Jonathan Ratcliffe, founding partner and chief investment officer, Harness. "Fincad Analytics Suite for Excel was a logical choice for us. It provides us with comprehensive, customizable, and transparent analytics coverage."
"Fincad is pleased to provide our hedge fund clients, such as Harness, with the robust derivatives valuations solutions that enable them to enter the market quickly and begin trading immediately," says Bob Park (pictured), president and chief executive of Fincad. "Our analytics can be scaled to meet the future derivatives trading and risk management needs of our clients."
Founded in 1990, Fincad provides software and services supporting the valuation and risk management of cross-asset class derivatives and fixed income securities to banks, corporate treasuries, asset management firms, auditors, and governments.
Harness UK commenced operations in April this year and runs the Harness Liquid Macro Fund and a series of FX accounts. Based out of London, the firm operates globally, trading mainly in G10 markets.