KBR Capital Markets has hired Steve Carson, formerly of NGAS, as its President and Chief Compliance Officer, and Jim Fitzpatrick, formerly of Steadfast Companies, as its Senior Vice President and National Sales Manager.
Additionally, KBR Capital Markets announced that it has added a number of members to its external and internal sales team, as well as its support divisions. This team markets KBR Capital Partners, Inc. co-branded partnership programs through the Independent Broker-Dealer and Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) channels.
Carson has more than 30-years of business and entrepreneurial experience in a variety of industries, and private and corporate law practice. Prior to joining KBR Capital Markets in 2011, Carson served from 2004 to 2011 as Director of Legal Affairs for NGAS Resources, Inc., a public Appalachian-based independent oil and gas exploration and production company; as well as serving as President and Chief Compliance Officer of NGAS Securities, Inc., a FINRA broker dealer that served as dealer manager for NGAS’ direct investment oil and gas drilling partnerships.
Fitzpatrick has more than 25 years of industry and sales leadership experience, including roles with MetLife, AXA Distributors, and Steadfast Companies. Fitzpatrick’s achievements include being a management member contributing to growth from a single product line in 2001 with 20 annuity wholesalers and USD1.5B in sales to multi-product lines with sales at year-end 2007 of USD9.3B with 142 annuity wholesalers, 65 life insurance wholesalers with USD140M in premium, plus 15 LTC insurance wholesalers with USD35M in premium; success as a committee management member directing integration of the USD11.5B acquisition of Traveler’s Life & Annuity Company for organizational design and performance optimization of wholesale distribution; and, responsibility, as a senior management member, for the start-up phase of Steadfast Capital Markets Group wholesaling division which then launched two products raising approximately USD50M.