McKay Brothers International (MBI) is now offering connectivity at the lowest known commercial latency between the Tokyo-CC2 data centre and trading centres in Shanghai and Hong Kong.
The procured hybrid microwave/fibre service between the Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE) data centre and the @Tokyo-CC2 data centre takes less than 22.86 milliseconds (ms) round trip, the lowest known commercial latency. MBI’s service between the HKEx data centre and @Tokyo-CC2 delivers data in less than 39.83 milliseconds round trip, also the lowest known commercial latency. In addition, McKay recently improved the latency its hybrid microwave/fibre service between the Singapore Exchange and @Tokyo-CC2, which offers the lowest known latency between those two end points.
Francois Tyc (pictured), MBI Managing Director, says: “We are committed to promoting fair and robust markets worldwide by offering our best latency to all firms. We are pleased to support our subscribers’ efforts to connect Tokyo to Shanghai and Hong Kong at the lowest latency.”
Tad Beckelman, McKay Director of Asia, says: “Asia markets continue to see increased activity from global firms and local traders. We continue to support all participants by investing to improve and expand our inter-exchange offerings in Asia.”
McKay Brothers representatives will attend the FIA Asia conference in Singapore from 3-6 December.
McKay Brothers debuted its first Asia hybrid microwave/fibre network in 2016, offering the lowest known latency between Tokyo and Singapore. MBI’s first European routes between London and Frankfurt went live in 2014, also at the lowest known latency. McKay Brothers, LLC opened its first US microwave route in 2012, establishing the lowest known latency between Chicago and New Jersey. McKay’s best latency is offered to every subscriber on each of their routes.