The UK economy is set to accelerate and grow over the next two years, according to Michael Low, business development manager of Moneycorp.
Speaking at the Asia Alternative Investment Network in London, he said: “As a result of a booming services sector, the success of the Olympics and innovation coming from the hi-tech industry I am confident of a strong recovery in the UK’s economy. I expect growth to accelerate over the next two years.”
Low backed his assertion with examples from industries such as car manufacturing and aircraft production where production output was increasing plus the encouraging signs of a renewed boom in oil production in the North Sea over the next six years.
Also speaking at the event was Michael Perotti of Falcon Money Management, who spoke about Falcon’s proprietary framework for strategy allocation and their extensive use of alternative assets to source alpha returns. Perotti said there are still under-exploited opportunities in the emerging markets. Perotti identified quantitative easing in Japan as an opportunity for macro and volatility related strategies.
Caspar Marney of Marney Capital moderated the event.
The Asian Alternative Investment Network event was held at the Imperial College Business School and the discussion focused on “How to Generate Alpha and Smart Beta in the Current Economic Climate”.
The Asian Alternative Investments Network (AAIN) is a voluntary industry network. The aim is to connect professionals and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and insights in order to promote better understanding of different cultures, markets, and regulatory framework.