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MSCI ESG Research launches MSCI ESG DataMetrics

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MSCI has launched MSCI ESG DataMetrics, a set of ESG scores, indicators and data to facilitate quantitative analysis, development of proprietary ESG models and reporting on ESG and portfolio footprint analysis.

Remy Briand, Managing Director and Head of MSCI Index and ESG Research, says: “With investor awareness on ESG issues growing and the market maturing, there is a clear need both for access to the underlying metrics that support MSCI ESG Research’s analyst assessments as well as for historical data. Clients have requested access to quantitative ESG data and metrics in order to better facilitate ESG integration and analysis. We are happy to provide a substantive set of metrics with the MSCI ESG DataMetrics product.”
MSCI ESG DataMetrics offers 174 metrics on eight ESG issues for all companies on the MSCI World Index, such as Carbon Emissions, Water Stress, Labour Management, and Corporate Governance.  These metrics include four years of raw data, including water use and lost-time injury rates; indicators on business and geographic risk exposure; policies, systems, and targets; and seven years of historical data on ESG ratings and scores. With comprehensive cross-industry metrics, users can identify trends and select ESG data that is most relevant to their views and those of their clients.
In addition to cross-industry metrics on eight ESG issues, MSCI ESG DataMetrics also offers over 350 industry-specific metrics that inform the key issues of MSCI ESG Research’s rating model, MSCI ESG IVA.

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