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New York Society of Security Analysts to discuss impact of hedge funds on markets

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The New York Society of Security Analysts (NYSSA) has partnered with the New York Hedge Fund Roundtable to create a panel of hedge fund experts who will discuss the risks and rewards of having hedge funds in a portfolio and their impact on the markets as a whole.

In an investing environment characterised by low fixed-income yields and heavy global central bank intervention in the financial markets, hedge funds are becoming an increasingly important part of institutional and other investors’ portfolios.
At the same time, they are also receiving more scrutiny about their role—both in investors’ portfolios and in the financial markets.
The panel will discuss what hedge fund investors should pay closest attention to in making the decision to change their hedge fund allocations, the best measures of performance and risk in assessing the role of hedge funds in an investor’s portfolio, and more.
The panel, moderated by Bill Long, managing director of the ReThink Group, includes the following presenters:
·         Barbara T. Dreyfuss, author, Hedge Hogs: The Cowboy Traders Behind Wall Street’s Largest Hedge Fund Disaster
·         Troy Gayeski, partner and senior portfolio manager, Skybridge Capital
·         Meredith Jones, director, Rothstein Kass
·         Simon Lack, founder, SL Advisors
Are Hedge Funds Good for the Markets? will be held on 16 July 2013 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at NYSSA Conference Center, 1540 Broadway, Suite 1010, New York, NY 10036.

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