New York has held onto the top position in the latest edition of the Global Financial Centres Index published by Z/Yen Group, and has now been in top spot for for three years.
London remained in second place, but dropped 14 points in the ratings.
The other centres in the top 10 are closely matched, with only eight rating points separating third-placde Hong Kong from Shenzhen on 10th.
Among the top 40 centres, only one centre rose more than 10 rank places and none fell more than 10 places. Overall the average rating was stable, less than one point lower than GFCI 30, following three consecutive drops in the average rating.
Asia/Pacific centres generally recovered losses that they experienced in GFCI 30. This suggests that there is restored confidence in the economic strength of the region, and in trade performance. North American and Western European centres had generally stable performance.
Atlanta, Lugano, and Ho Chi Minh City join the GFCI for the first time.
In the GFCI FinTech ratings, New York and Shanghai retained first and second positions. Beijing and San Francisco overtook London to take third and fourth place.